Hi FolksI needed some of your views to figure out what exactly is going on. I had interviewed with PWC back in August and the partner who interviewed me said I would definitely hear back from them . I did not get anything back till date (Dec approaching) and did not receive a no either. my application status also is blank when I check online, which otherwise usually either states a yay or a nay. I messaged the person who had interviewed me on LinkedIn a couple of weeks ago and he was kind enough to respond saying he'll chase up the recruiter and that the hiring was on freeze. I had also interviewed with ACN in August, cleared all rounds, was suppose to meet with a partner but then they said they are on hiring freeze, the conversations continue till date and the recruiter said another senior manager in Strategy wanted to speak with me. I spoke to him, and he said somebody would get in touch with the next steps, soon after received a voicemail from the recruiter saying that my profile might be more suitable for operations groups than strategy and is under review. This is all v confusing and don't know what to make of it. I am aware that hiring freezes are common in consulting but don't know what to make of the conversation. Appreciate your guidance and help or if anyone has experienced the same.