[quote][quote]... Then consider our daily rates. My firm's been stuck on £1000/day for donkeys years. Actually I was charging that amount even as far back as the early 90's. With inflation, we should be on about £2000/day by now. But clients just won't pay it.How can we break this cycle?[/quote]I've seen some of the bigger firms index their daily rates year-on-year. Of course, how much of that is lost in additional discounts is another matter.The golden years of consulting are over, where clients happily forked over large sums - now it's a game of procurement based on daily rates per level... not surprising if the majority of our clients is under pressure to reduce costs, making external spend squeezing an obvious first choice.[/quote]Any appetite from your client(s) to move from traditional T&M type billing to a fixed price or value based deal? More risk, especially in the value based structure, but potentially more reward.