Hi All,I am a 27 year old female and I have been working for Accenture for the last 4 years. I started out as a Software Engineer and after one year i transitioned to move to IT Operations. Currently i am workng as an IT Operains Senior Analyst. My current responsibiltis include serving as an offshore lead and liasioning with the client to understand requirments and assist in UAT ( User AcceptanceTesting) issues. Besids, i am also handling and supervisng the end to end delivery of applications for a team size of six. My journey so far has been very progressive, two promotions with highest performance ratings and varipous prestigious awards in my bag.I am now looking forward to pursue an MBA and transition to Management consulting. Eventually, i would like to move to business strategy 15 years down the line.Please advise me what speciaizations I need to target during my MBA and how to go about planning my career. What area of management consulting should i target and is it a feasible choice? If not, what career otions are feasible post MBA?