Seeking some perspective from those with experience and from those who happen to come across this thread :)I worked 2 years at a boutique and 2 years at a Big 4 management consulting firm. I will be a manager in 2015, but recently signed on with a MBB (in their post-MBA role). I thought 2+ years of MBB experience in a big city will open more doors for me. The one thing that I contemplated about was whether I should plan to do an MBA (either 1 or 2 year programs) at a top-tier school, pending acceptance. At this point in time, I'm not even sure when I would enroll in a program and whether someone with a post-MBA experience is better off continuing on with his/her career.1. What are your thoughts on the medium-term/long-term value of an MBA for someone enrolling with 6+ years of management consulting experience? If there is value, when should it happen - before or after making manager?2. This is very subjective, but in your opinion, do you think that the relationships that I will be building at a MBB and with clients over a 2+ year time horizon outweigh the relationships that I would build at a top-tier MBA? 3. Will having a MBA (in addition to my post-MBA consulting experience) open more doors for me? 4. Any cool stories to share about ex-MBB managers/principals who's left their firm for awesome gigs (without a graduate degree)? I would really appreciate and be keen to hear your thoughts!