PBI think comments like ebay, gumtree and Telegraph ads are not taking this seriously enough. Besides you probably owe them a bit more than that.Think what you'd do in a work situation. Call a Presidential B team brief sit them (wife and kids) down and explain change is difficult but the end goal is worth it.Say 'darling', the time has come that I realise my assets, discover myself and bring some enjoyment back to OUR sad state of affairs before its too late. It's not you it's me. (make sure you emphasise this bit).The good news is I am going to have more 'me time' and leave management consulting. However, during this period of transition it will mean realising my assets and selling the house. I plan to invest wisely in a little run around (perhaps break this gently as a baby aston) and enhance my capabilities in a new hobby. I sail in a week and meet my 20 year old Thai girl in Rio (where your boat is). Consulting Duck's idea of Alibaba is a good source for both the Thai element and the boat transactions. I'm sure you'll understand - if you can get buy-in and acceptance at this point you're doing okay - keep strong. Don't lose sight of the big picture tho' the Thai bit is a stop gap until you find the Rich Bird - your money wont last forever. Might be worthwhile having a roadmap prepared to share at the meeting to show you have thought this through thoroughly.Not having kids I'm not so sure how you'd break this but if like the OP you're saying you can't do MC forever I'm guessing kids are at that leaving home age where they want money for houses, uni fees etc. - therefore probably more important you get in first with your plans.HTHDC