[quote]Hi,I have a query regarding base location at ACN. My location is down as London although i live in Bristol. As i understand it if i am on a London project i will have to cover my travel and living expenses whilst on the project, is that correct?That is quite a large expense to cover.Seems ACN only offer three possible locations, London, Edinburgh and Manchester whereas IBM for example had quite a few location options across the country.[/quote]I've been campaigning for a Bristol office for some time.It could be worse than just London, because you're meant to pick up the expense between your usual commute and your work journey. Therefore if you go to Manchester it could be argued that you need to pay for the first 120 miles of your journey. As with everything with Accenture, it really depends on your project. I know one guy who moved to a project in Swindon, he agreed with his project that if he covered his accommodation costs in Swindon (he lived nearby) then if he ever had to travel to London (which was his home office) the project would pick up the tab.