[quote]i am tired of jumping project to project doing extremely different things building no specialization over 2 years.[/quote]As an analyst, isn't that fairly on par with what you'd expect? Consultant is where you start to properly build a specialisation so I wouldn't worry you haven't done this yet.[quote]your chances of being on something different the next time is higher[/quote]If you make yourself a "valuable enough member of a team" - which will be easier now you're less likely to spend your day adjusting text boxes on a slide - managers and above will want to hang on to you and you'll stay on the same type of projects.Your post reads like you're a bit bored after the analyst scheme and a recruiter has come calling with a role at Slalom they have to fill. Stick with Deloitte for now. If you're still bored, shifting from project to unrelated project a year from now and you're sure that the reason that's happening is that Deloitte have a varied pipeline, then look at making a move [b]but[/b] do it of your own volition and look at multiple firms, not just because a recruiter has come along with a (true) promise of a higher salary at one specific place.