[quote]The ACA is in the firm's insurance group, but still in audit yes. The firm is one of the top 10 accounting firms (Not Big 4) so the brand name is swaying me slightly. I'm actually not put off by the repetitive work though.. Really looking for some guidance, there's not much information on here regarding SME consulting firms. [/quote]When you say insurance group, are you talking about a market sector? As in you audit insurance companies? If so, that's pretty irrelevant in truth.ACA will lead you to stability and decent money, but just be prepared to sell your soul for three years. Also bear in mind, the big 4 take 4k graduates per year alone. That's 4,000 grads qualifying in the same year as you from just those four firms, with arguably better experience/brand behind them - so perhaps not the golden ticket you might expect.I'd be tempted in your position to take the consulting position and then apply for 2015 starts at the big 4 as a second option if things don't go well. But perhaps that's just my bitterness at audit speaking rather than sensible careers advice :p