Hi guys,I'm a 3rd year undergrad at a relatively top tier business school in Canada (target in terms of recruiting, 4/5 top bschools for undergrad). I've focused on accounting for the first 2 years in my program but have had a change of heart and made a jump to the finance program as I feared getting pigeonholed in public audit (as that was the path I was on prior to switching).To date my experiences include working at the CRA (which I believe is similar to the HMRC in the UK, the equivalent of a tax regulator) and currently landed an internship with GE's financial mgmt program (FMP). The reason I'm posting this thread (with such a long backstory, sorry for that!) is that I'm trying to figure out if I should consider a career in consulting.My goal in lifes to start my own business (not a consulting/advisory firm, something tangible) and venture out as an entrepreneur/small business owner and for those reasons consulting stood out to me for a while. I haven't pursued it primarily because I had this misconception that getting into audit at the big 4 meant you could do anything in the world, including consulting right off the bat. Right or wrong I decided to stray away from that (audit) path and am now wondering if I should consider getting into consulting to aid with my long term goal. I am currently planning on writing my cfa (lvl 1) next month and didnt realize that it wasn't too useful for consulting until I found this website. My question is whether I should consider getting into consulting for the sole reason of entrepreneurship, and if so, whether should I focus on it right away? I'm also not sure if I made the right choice straying away from the cpa to the cfa in terms of a career in this industry (not to say im not willing to consider both). Im not opposed to grad school if that helps (and am confident I could get it after 2 years at GE). Furthermore, I'd much rather big 4 over mbb for consulting primarily due to work life balance differences ive heard* of (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). Also, I should mention that I value work life balance quite a bit for personal reasons, I don't mind travel as long as it doesn't imply that I live in another country for months on end. With regards to my grades, theyre not the greatest (75 to 82% cgpa) but I have a decent bit of extracurriculars to make up for it.Sorry for the long post, look forward to any feedback. Cheers!