[quote][quote]BEP,The project is in the Far East. The OP is in the UK (assumption). Of course it's not viable to be back on the weekends![/quote]I agree entirely, that's why I think they shouldn't send him on this assignment! These points were all discussed during the interview stage, apparently, so I do think they're being unreasonable here given that he was up-front about things before they made him an offer. Not to mention the point about expecting him to work 6 days a week - I wonder if that's included in his contract too.I know it's different for global jet-setters like you camster, but this guy needs to be at home right now. I think it's heartless to yank him away from his family at this time, especially as he has been up-front about it all. Plus having a "very senior partner" lean on a junior in this way just stinks in my opinion. I'd suck it up in the short term out of necessity, but I'd also start looking for a new job[/quote]BEP,Didn't read anywhere about these points being discusses during interview. If this is true, then my apologies, the partner behaved badly. Please note that I'm not being cruel - just being honest about the situation.A friend (in industry) recently had a baby. In fact, it was yesterday, so sharing the same birthday with me :) We are talking about a respected UK company here. I remember his FB posts. He was away before his wife went into labour. Will be away again in a few months. Same situation, but he is not fretting. Why? Because he planned.The gist is, you need to plan. The OP (as he himself admitted that he will "just do the project") just can't leave. The OP needs the job, needs the salary. If you refer to the OP's first post, he joined this new firm 4 months ago. The OP has a 4-month old baby. I feel like the OP went into MC not truly understanding what was involved. When you're having a baby, you don't want to have the stresses of a new job, you don't want the stresses that come with moving house, etc. Seriously, I feel that the OP (1) didn't plan (2) didn't truly understand the nature of MC.The OP has had 4 months on the bench (since he joined). That's more time that most get. I am sure you will agree. How much more time should the OP be given (to not travel)? How long more should the OP not do projects that clearly match his skills and experience? My advice remains the same. Do the 6 weeks. Do a good job. Come back, spend more time at home. Having then built a bit of a rep, try to weave it in that you need some time at home.