Understandable frustration. But put it into context.Let's assume for now that you take a perm position as a VP in IBD. You have traded in your 17 years experience to get a VP role in an investment bank.Now what happens?Below you, you'll have interns, grad analysts and associates. The associates look down n the grads, they've earn the right after all. But their life is hell. So they resent you, the VP. Meanwhile you are feeling better because you aren't rubbing shoulders with the grunts anymore...but hang on, you are a grunt. The MDs are looking down on you. So you go find an MC. Make it worthwhile so you find yourself a McKinsey or BCG consultant. I look down on you McKinsey minion because Im in IBD. Master of the Universe. But now the MD doesn't respect your 17 years experience, and s/he is younger than you, making multiples of your money. His suit cost as much a your car. WTF. So you want to be MD. No more rubbing shoulders with those cheap VPs anymore. Top of the heap. But then you see someone from PE and..they are looking down on you. Cant get into the PE lounge, cant afford it as an MD in a IBD. Sod that, better get buy side PDQ. Uh oh...here comes an Asset Manager's star trader. Earns more than you'll see in your career - every year. He only has 15 years experience and is retiring next spring. Damn what now? What now?Go contracting? That way you can leave soon as you have to rub shoulders with anyone who might have earnt the same quicker, or easier, and find other malcontented people to cluster together talking about the good old days at Big 4 when everyone knew your name?2 x Big 4 and an MBA means squat to an IBD. You underestimate the sheer level of excellence they take as standard. So someone earns less and you report to them - you are a hired gun! You are not a stakeholder! You don't need to decide whether contract or perm. You need to decide how you will get this chip off your shoulder that everyone should somehow be recognising you for your intrinsic excellence and get on with your working life. As a contractor you have no say in the business, you are there to do a job and go. Lighten up - you'll be happier.