[quote]1) Background: 2 years in retail banking (call centre, branch), before 3 years on an IT services grad programme, more recently 1 year for a big 4 firm, 10 months in industry before redundancy, 6 months in industry on a contract, now 9 months for a software vendor. Jobs across Business Consulting, Analysis and less so in PM and PMO. How would this CV translate for contracting? I'm considering rates of c£400 p/d in London, no industry bias. [/quote]So you have 2 years in a call centre, 3 years being spoon fed, lasted 1 year in a credible services firm before moving into industry for less than a year, then bits and pieces here and there. Jobs across ambiguous, lurk around and try to be useful type positions...what exactly will someone be paying you a day rate for??you don't need a contract, you need a restart from scratch in your career.