I disagree. It's not always as objective as a straight-up £-for-£ comparison against your next-best offer. For example:If you think you might 'enjoy' a new job less than your current one/another offer, but would be willing to accept it for more money, how much monetary value you place on that is up to you.Enjoy in this context might mean[list][*]You've to travel more in your new jobYou've to travel more [i]to[/i] your new job (i.e. commute)The work will be less in line with your interestsetc[*][/list].Vice-versa: If you think you'll enjoy your new job more, how much less are you willing to be paid?If you have relationships/personal equity in your current job, and are giving that up for a new venture, the increase in pay you will require to offset that risk is again subjectiveI could go on...