Fully agree with what has already been written - take the job and tone down the 'is this good enough for me?' questions when you start, or you may struggle with what is about to hit you. Pretty much everyone where you are going will have equally good backgrounds and many will have better. And all of them except those starting with you will be far better at getting the job done. Get use to the notion that for some time now you are going straight to the bottom of the pile - albeit a very prestigious pile. Do it for a few years until you are fully trained on the data analysis/Excel/Powerpoint stuff (forget advising/meeting CEOs, that just won't happen), then find a cool role doing something else for a bit (start-up etc) and then apply to the top business schools. Or alternatively just decide that the MBA is not necessary/worthwhile at that point and stay where you are.The additional experience after consulting may be important to maximize your HSW chances - these schools are just as competitive as MBB if not more so and, as your experience so far has shown, you are competitive but not stellar at that level.After that, your longer-term goal is easily achievable, and that would be the case with all of the next tier business schools (Kellogg, MIT, LBS, INSEAD, Chicago, Columbia) as well.In summary, don't sweat it, you're in a good place