So I moved to a large blue chip from Big4 with 7yrs' consulting/advisory experience a year ago, and frankly have been disappointed. The culture is backward and excessively hierarchical, and half the time the work is boring or non-existent. I left Big4 due to politics rather than the work-life balance, so have actually been mulling a return in the hope that the uniquely poisonous atmosphere in my old team was a one-off.I have an offer which represents around a 5% rise on my current base. Given how much better the bonus scheme and benefits are in my current role this would effectively represent a reduction in my overall package. Their HR contend that they have little wriggle room, as their internal benchmarking prevents them from offering any more than they pay to others of the same level, but to me that sounds like codswallop - any thoughts? I would have thought that at this sort of level (Mgr) there are considerable in-grade disparities.Just wondering how hard to negotiate and what is realistic...