Just wanted to get some other opinions on this semi-hypothetical situation. Imagine a big 4 consultant, mid level, in their late 20s or early 30s. Researching this forum and glass door will tell you that person is on a salary in the low to mid £50s with a decent benefits and pension plan. Progression is good, clients are interesting, and this person has few complaints except for feeling underpaid to the market.You see the problem is, this person is aware of opportunities within their field to move roles. This could be either to another consultancy (maybe a niche or specialist firm) or to hit the interim market. Option 1 would deliver a basic salary starting with a 7, while the interim market baselines at a minimum of £500pd. The question this consultant might ask themselves is; what's keeping me in my big 4 bubble? And subsequently what is it that would convince me to exit?I'd love to hear your thoughts.