London’s IPO market proves resilient in 2020 despite COVID-19 and Brexit-related uncertainties, with the pipeline looking strong in 2021...
- Despite the disruption from COVID-19, European IPO proceeds in 2020 reached almost €20.0bn - down approximately 10% compared to 2019, in which €22.1bn was raised
- The London IPO market proved resilient with £5.5bn (€6.1bn) raised to 9 December 2020 compared to £5.9bn (€6.7bn) in 2019
- Financials and industrials dominated listings in London, raising over 95% of the £5.5bn total raised to date
Despite choppy IPO market conditions in 2020, the London Stock Exchange (LSE) retained its position as Europe’s most active market, with proceeds accounting for almost a third of total European proceeds raised this year.
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