Two thirds of Gen Z and Millennials seek permanent home working as COVID-19 reveals workplace generational divide


- Twice as many under-35s want permanent flexible working post-pandemic, compared to over-55s;

- Almost half of over-55s have returned to offices in some capacity, compared to a third of under-35s;

- Whilst half of all office-based workers had never worked from home before COVID-19, three-quarters want regular remote working patterns in future;

Office return policies reveal polarisation, with most employees either already back or not expecting to return until 2021 or later.

The acceleration of remote working in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed both a generational divide and contrasting employer policies in relation to home and office working, according to new research from Deloitte.

The research, conducted as part of Deloitte’s quarterly Consumer Tracker of 3,000 UK consumers, surveyed people who identified themselves as office-based workers on their sentiment about returning to the office. Captured between the 25th and 29th of September 2020, as guidance on working from home was reissued by the Government, the research found that half (52%) of those who were office-based before COVID-19 had never worked from home prior to the pandemic. The data also showed that the majority (74%) would like to work from home more frequently than they did before the pandemic. Fifty-two per cent stated they would like the majority or more of their working week to be home-based.

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