It's not a lot different to being at manager level actually. You earn more but you also have the stress of having to make sure the business is making a profit, which isn't unlike making sure you keep your utilisation high except now you have to make sure everyone else is doing it too. You have the freedom to leave the office at 3pm every day if you wish, yet you can never do that... Because you also have the stress of having so much to keep track of and do that in reality you end up also working early in the morning and late into the evening.It's more enjoyable in so far as the fruits of the hard work benefits you personally... But likewise you can't just ignore or walk away from any problems because those affect you personally too.A lot of people talk about "making partner" as if, once give done that, you're somehow "made for life". It's simply not true. Partners in big firms can get nuked just as easily as analysts and in small firms you've got to keep that business profitable - or else it all goes pear shaped very rapidly indeed. The work and stress is still there, the same as at other levels. Earning more is great, but in this line of business you can be very comfortable financially but you're never going to end up banker style rich. 5 bed detached house in Surrey and a bmw 4x4 in the drive - yes. Yacht in Monaco - no.