BH,I'm afraid I am with Coolio, your post did imply a "do I reaaaaally need to pay my debts?"...I have hired many a contractor and full timer over a number of years in FS (don't want to say how many, will be showing my age!).My advice to your (something which I have given offline to contractor and full time colleagues wanting to come into FS):- First and foremost, do a credit check on yourself. It costs less than £5 and can easily be done through a service such as Experian. What does it show? What is your score? Any defaults showing?Before accepting every job I have taken in FS, I do a quick Experian check on myself. Not surprising my score always comes back the same with no defaults showing, but it gives me confidence to look them in the eye and say "sure no problem, whatever checks needed can be done and I have the results of a self check if you need it". Plus if I have been hit by Fraud, I will know.- Do not get embroiled in unpaid credit cards etc. I agree with our policy of not hiring people who have large amounts of debt which is not under control (ie a sensible mortgage is fine, but a £10k credit card bill which is in trouble for 12+ months and going to court is an issue). We work in FS, you are expected at a minimum to be able to understand the basics of debits and credits. Plus be able to manage your money and live within your means, if you can't do that, then why am I going to give you £5m of my programme to manage!?! Yes there are extenuating circumstances, we take these into consideration but there must be a detailed plan in place to pay it all back and quickly, plus a good reason why the debt is out of control.Every MC does credit checks nowadays, so pay it off asap.