[quote]HelloFrom what I can tell, the ACN case interviews (graduate consulting scheme) are more about demonstrating an ability to analyse information and figure out a client's needs which ACN can help with....... as opposed to the interactive, open ended style as with McK and the like which requires one to show their ability to develop a structured issue tree based on information extracted from the interviewer and an ability to perform quantitative analysis under pressure.Any comments on whether this is correct?Is there a need to brush up on my mental math for the ACN case interview?CheersL[/quote]My knowledge of the ACN entry level case (not in the UK - not sure how aligned this is across countries) is that it was not quantitative - but it took place after a series of purely quantitative tests.Judging from your explanation of McKinsey's case study, the difference is that with ACN you're supposed to get (most if not all of) your info from written material rather than the interviewer.