[quote][quote][quote][quote]You are correct this in India.There are P1-P5 Technical consultantsM1-M5 Managing consultants[/quote]Pandeyji,My friend is an M1 at 6 years of experience in the Mumbai office. I'm a P5 with 5.5 years and am already after my boss to become an M1.I guess Cap is selling you short compared to your years of experience. [/quote]After over 5 years and having reached the top of the tech consulting grade, you're after a M1 position? Isn't that a big step back?[/quote]Well P and M aren't parallel tracks. CapGemini doesn't differentiate between technology and management consulting these days since all that is left is tech consulting. The P band is a programmer track and M band is manager track. P leads to M.[/quote]Hmm, in the UK the management consulting side is quite small and distinctive from the rest of Cap from what I understand.