At the moment you are probably about 3 - 5 years short of going to a firm like Alix or A&M. You are right to want to branch out from FS a bit, but the firms you aspire to will want a clear and deep spike of experience in one sector, so you might be better off broadening your experience within the sector rather than moving outside of it. Being a Chartered Accountant will count in your favour, but they tend to take a dim view on the lean stuff - dilute that a bit.If you want to get to Alix or A&M you'll need some industry experience to round out your Big 4, ideally in a role where you can directly tie your name to cost reduction or revenue enhancement. They will want to see that impact written large in your resume.They don't really compete at a boutique level btw - competitors (depending on service line and country) tend to be the likes of Roland Berger, AT Kearney etc on the operational side, and Big 4 (on larger projects) and some of the specialist corporate finance houses on the restructuring side.If it is any help, your Big 4 experience will have slightly more cache at A&M, who tend to hire from there especially around the transactions area.