Money is more or less worthless these days. I no longer trust the "I promise to pay the bearer the sum of..." note written on printed money. There is too much opportunity for dishonest central bodies to manipulate the real value of that money.Acquire land... that's where the wealth is these days. Just consider the "poor" farmers who are now turning into multi-millionaires (as in 8-digit millionaires). Also consider the retired teachers, now in their 70s or 80s, who spent thruppence and ha'penny on a cosy little 6 bed semi with 3 acres of land in Enfield, in contrast to all you "masters of the universe" out there who still have 280 years left on the mortgage for your 1-bed studio flats in Camberwell. Yes, land... that's where it's at these days. They stopped making it years ago and the price will only ever go in one direction - up.