OK - please go easy on me guys, it's my first post. Just wanted to get some ideas from similar people:Background:I started life as a graphic designer / web designer freelancer after I graduated. Got a few good contracts but wanted stability, applied to a grad scheme at a big IT company, in their 'business services' division. Was already a bit older than most of the recruits, Spent 2 years operating as in ' internal ' business change consultant, where I ended up managing teams doing process improvement projects. Did pretty well. Ended up on a central team, building content for global process improvements.Felt natural that I should move to the actual consulting arm of our business, and so I did. ( I had to apply externally, and got in at consultant level) I got a pay rise from this, which was great.From day one, things were very different to what I expected. Because I had apparently worked in IT, (though actually I was more of a buisness change guy) I was sent straight to work as a requirements analyst, in an IT team. Realised that 'consultant' was actually a pretty junior role. I'm fortunate that I manage to hit the ground on most things, and my web background has helped.The trouble is, I'm stuck in these kind of roles. I've now got a total of 4 years 'consulting' experience on paper, the trouble is that this is not actually what I've been doing. I've progressed internally to the next level up, but personally I don't feel I've progressed at all.It feels like most IT based consultancies actually delivery very little business consultancy, and are more about filling roles with relatively competent people , and as long as you bring in the day rates, you will progress internally.I am now in a position where It was too long ago since I was a web designer, I did 2 years of processimprovement and business transformation, and 2 years of pretty much excel spreadsheet monkey activity. How can I position myself for anything now? Ideally I'd love to move back into industry in some kind of digital leadership role, but I don't have enough of that, same with business change, and I've been out of the web game for too long to be a fully fledged creative in a tweed jacket.My question 1 : Is this what consultancy is, just 'doing what you need to do' so that you bring in the revenue?I fully accept that I am a bit of a pushover sometimes, and I haven't been pushy enough in demanding the roles - but it seems lots of people are in the same position. If I'm honest, I feel like all it's done is muddy the water, make me a generalist, and really stuck in a rut.Thoughts? Help!