[quote]I am starting with a consultancy soon and was wondering what everybody thought about phone numbers and mobile phones. I will be out of the office/working from different offices a lot and therefore I don’t think I will get a desk phone as such. The company has sent me some info regarding mobiles, but it boils down to the fact that if they give me one for business, I can’t use it for personal calls. I am thinking about just using my own mobile for work and personal use. Benefits of this are that I only need to carry/charge one phone, only one address book to manage, only one phone to silence in meetings, works with car bluetooth (only one phone at a time can be connected). However, it does mean that I can’t switch off the work phone in the evening/weekends and I would need to pay for the calls -although I am on a totally unlimited vodafone package so I don’t think this matters. What do you all do? One phone or two? Is there anything that I may not have considered? Thanks[/quote]It's a very personal issue -at my firm it's 50:50 between people who just use their own phone for everything (like I do with a similar unlimited package) or take the company one but end up going to every meeting lugging 2 phones with them. Especially a pain if you're travelling and the phones need different chargers, etc.I'm not so busy and important that I get lots of work calls in the evenings/weekends that I feel I have to "switch off" - I guess YMMV on that point but for me it comes down to convenience over a deep desire to seperate home and work life.