Dr N,Ignore the negative comments above, I think your best options to get noticed:- Create a body sized placard showing key parts of your offered services, strip down to your underpants and stand outside their offices. Scream at the top of your voice what those services are while doing a little jig- Ensure your letters are sent in huge boxes marked "To the CEO, from Free Stuff Ltd" on the outside. The CEO will pick this bad boy up and see your letter- Give your email name a bit of juice. No more "John Smith", go with Hewj Fajinah and make sure there is a "Miss or Ms" at the front and send it to the CEO with a "See you soon" at the end. He will get back to you within a few minutes and organise a meeting time for asapFailing that, learn how to properly string together a Forum request and stop wasting our time. Jesus, were you serious with your question!?!Best RegardsHewj