Yes, percolate is a favourite of mine too, and you hit on a really key point with regard to deliberately obscure language. Any idiot can use "management speak" with the inevitable outcome of making it clear to all and sundry that person is a fool trying to sound important.The true target is, as you say, to genuinely befuddle to the point where no one calls your bluff. I find this is particularly important where you have to keep unimportant stakeholders happy when they keep demanding updates on unimportant tasks, while you keep the team focused on delivering important scope at pace.Other useful words that imply things may have to go at their own pace include"Surface" - as in, "we need to allow the appropriate issues to surface" "Socialise" - "we need to socialise these controversial proposals with stakeholders""Appropriate governance steps" - as in "you think we've made a decision, but by the time we take it through the appropriate governance steps, I'll have delivered the project without your ridiculous additional suggestions to the scope"