Well, I have been checking out this forum for a few months and I thought I would ask for some insight in to my particular situation. Prepare for a long post. Sorry :(I'm wondering about my ability to eventually transfer to a career in MC from either my current job experience (though with more years) or my current experience augmented by an MBA. Really, I am looking to plan out a 5 year strategy, with the end result being me working as a MC. For the sake of being completely forthcoming, I have a Master's degree in Public Services, and have only held my current position for 6 months. During my Master's degree I had an A- average (it may not sound like much, but that put me in the top 5 of my class of 20. Grade inflation did not happen at my graduate school, which is unfortunate). During my undergraduate degree, I worked sales throughout school, so I took an extra 2 years, but graduated without any debt. My first two years worth of courses had an average gpa, my last two had me with an A- again.I am presently working as a Project Manager in a field unrelated to my degree (government cut-backs made being hired by government difficult). My company produces POS advertisements, and I manage the projects as they come from the sales team or customer directly. I do conventional PM work: organizing teams, setting and keeping deadlines, ensuring things do not go over budget, etc. I was also, at least in part, hired to help design long term solutions to current inefficiencies. I am wondering if this is the type of work which could, eventually lead me to a MC position or if I would be better served either getting an MBA (studying after work, writing the GMAT, working 2 years, going to a top program), or giving up altogether on this plan and revising to something more realistic? I want to work in MC, to exercise my love for strategic thinking. I know there are other jobs where that could happen, but MC has captured my attention and interests. I hope that this is not a point of contention, since my interest in the field is genuine. I know this question is possibly more irritating than some, since it asks hypotheticals that can't be answered easily or with certainty, but I like to have a plan to move forward with. Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading. TLDR: I'm an MA grad working as a project manager in a field not related to my Master's. Could I transition to working as a MC directly from my experience or should I focus on getting an MBA with this experience, then transitioning to MC?