Mars and rc - I have to agree with you both (although you are disagreeing!)You cannot become a partner if you cannot consistently sell consultancy services. Nothing else will matter if you cannot do this, and you will have to do it for 3-5 years as a "just before partner" level person in order to become partner.For those who CAN sell as described above, the number one reason for still NOT MAKING PARTNER is lack of endurance. Many people perform at partner level on occasion (even 18 months), but I know many who have been in the last 6 month "road to partner" and not made it because the revenue they were delivering was was cancelled by a) new government b) new CEO c) Lehman's liquidator, etc.Those were all star performers who were not fired - they were simply told "sorry, not this time, but don't worry, you can start again and maybe in 18-24 months you'll get in"-----------------------------------------------------------Knowing your industry is an ENABLER TO SELLINGBeing smooth and a good communicator is an ENABLER TO SELLINGBeing at least 40 is A SYMPTOM of the time it takes to develop sufficient industry knowledge and contacts to BE GOOD AT SELLINGBeing BALD is a SYMPTOM of males stress and genetics-----------------------------------------------------------Good looks, charm and blagging will get you to Accenture SM, Deloitte Director, Ernst & Young SM, PA Alumni - no further.