The thing that really p*sses me off is.....My place, West Berks, for donkey years, we have been asking them to do something about it. We were even willing to pay out of our own pockets, but the damn council, etc. put in all sorts of effin obstacles. We (ppl in the area) knew that constant heavy rain would easily cause flooding. But no one did anything.Instead.....Don't know if you read this, but apparently, a lot of planning permission given out for the building of new projects on these flood plains.Effin w**kers! The public sector really does p*ss me off royally at times. This damn country really does p*ss me off at times.Insurance will cover, even for one of my places, which I think suffered structural damage. But wtf? This only increases the premium! Moral of the story? Stupid councils. Stupid gov. Stupid country.