Hmm, your first post made me think "oh no, here's just another idiot". However, your subsequent posts have been illuminating. I can understand what you're going through.This is not an uncommon experience in consultancy. I have, over the years, had to work for many an idiot. People who can't do the job properly but somehow always manage to move on before the SHTF. You just want to do a good job; she just wants to throw her weight around (and will invariably "escape" by emigrating or joining a different firm before people start to notice that she is all talk and no trousers). My advice? Get away from her FAST. She is toxic. Think of her as being a walking lump of diarrhoea that wants to slop all over you. Try and gracefully find yourself a way to work on another project. Let her wreck her own project - and without then having you to use as a scapegoat. Let her burn up the project budget by getting people to do pointless work and then have to explain it to the client. You sound young but like you have a good attitude (despite the weird way your question was phrased in your first post). Sadly, consultancy doesn't always reward those people that do the best work. I can remember on one of my first projects, I basically wrote half the deck on my own, yet when it got added to our intellectual property library, everybody on the team (20 people!) was acknowledged EXCEPT me - just because I had a big blow up with the "principal" on the project (a guy that looked like a muppet and who was a truly nasty piece of work... I honestly still wouldn't think twice about pushing him off a cliff if it were legal and I was allowed to). I look back on that and think what a pointless place to work it was. I'm glad I got out of there! They paid quite a lot but frankly my sanity is worth more than that. You sound good - you still have a positive attitude - so don't think you owe your boss any loyalty for treating you like this, brush up your CV and get out there and find a better job! And in the meantime, just think of your current job as being a necessary chore to pay the bills while you look for pastures green.