So I'm currently in the process of interviewing with KPMG for graduate consulting opportunities, (I thought I bombed the telephone interview but apparently not), and the track I'm going down is Management Consulting. What I've recently been wondering however, is whether I should have chosen to apply for The Strategy Group instead. Both are under Business Consulting, and to be honest when I read the descriptions neither seemed very different from each other: suppose one does have the name 'Strategy' in the title but does it make a difference? KPMG is a great firm and I've done an internship there before, but nobody stays at one firm forever. If I eventually wanted to go to a boutique strategy firm or even at a strong tier-2 strategy house like OC&C or Parthenon would choosing Management count against me?I'm leaning towards no, they're both entry level positions at a Big 4 firm and I'm pretty sure people will expect me to know absolutely nothing coming in either way. Just looking for some confirmation.