I'm interested in consulting, but I have an untraditional background and thought someone could give me advice about my chances. I graduated from a T10 liberal arts college in 2007 with a 3.53 GPA. I'm now 28. After graduation, I went straight into a MA in history and did well. I worked as a research database cataloger at an Ivy for a year after that, and when funding ran out, I took a similar job at another well-known university library. I have several publications in my field of study on my resume. I ended up in teaching high school because I needed the money, and I now teach history and Latin at a good Northeast prep school. Most employers don't see my job experience as tactile enough to be transferrable in the business world, and that's been a real issue.I'm interested in consulting for several reasons, but don't know how to break in. I have a strong network to work with, but no business/management experience on my resume. Given that I have a unique background, I'm 28, and I'm coming out of a non-MBA/MSF masters, what are my chances of success? Where would my background make me an attractive candidate, or at least not hurt me? I have summers off, which means internships are also an option. Thanks.