Some great advice from Mars as ever, thank you Mars for your continued helpful contributions!My take would be similar, that things aren't that different elsewhere. I've built a handful of startups since leaving consulting and have had experience of working in a big corporate when T-C got acquired. The pressures and frustrations are largely the same, dealing with people who can be unreasonable, politics and egos, pressure to work long hours and inability to switch off.So I think Mars' assessment is spot on. Decide what it is about work that you'd most like your lifestyle to gravitate towards and then go in that direction - but with your eyes open. If work/life balance is important, for example, I have seen a lot of people move into contracting and be able to take sizeable chunks of the year off to spend with family, take extended ski breaks, etc. But that leaves you still working in environments where office politics will be at play for example.Hope that helps in any case and good luck with making the right call! Tony