I voted in and still maintain that we have made the wrong choice, but like many things we just don't know what the long term outlook actually is. When people were voting for 'Brexit', what actually were they voting for? The out camp never pulled together anything remotely like a plan of action should they be victorious meaning we are now seeing confusion about what is all really means.I work for one of major global players... and the message from within is 'it might be good, it might be bad, we don't really know until we start the negotiating with the EU'.I also think the arguments presented by both sides during the campaigns were largely meaningless soundbites"My Doctor is Polish, his parents are French, he married a German and he's a great guy, isn't immigration wonderful...""I lost my job to a Romanian, we need to claim back our borders"These mean nothing and only serve to gain rounds of applause from idiots who fail to realise they are being manipulated.