[quote]With regards to your first question, I would suggest this is to be negotiated on a contract by contract basis. Ordinarily I would say that if the contract requires you to work away from home for much of the contract (because the client site will be overseas or a long way from London), then it would be reasonable that expenses properly incurred would be in addition to your day rate. [b]However[/b] a consultant from outside London might choose to take an engagement in London, when the client could have opted to take on a London-based contractor instead. In this instance it is less clear-cut that the hotel costs are to be borne by the client, rather than by the consultant who is benefitting from having secured a contract outside of their regular commuting distance. So assume nothing!With regards to day rates you might secure, I've often heard talk of consultants securing as a freelancer 50% of the day rates they were being (or would be) charged out by a consulting firm if a permanent employee. This would seem to dovetail quite well with the formula you've proposed. As regards recruitment agency fees, you'd need to clarify with each firm you deal with whether the rates they are quoting you are pre- or post- the deduction of their agency commission.Hope this helps.Tony RestellTop-Consultant.com[/quote]Tony, what is the day rate at Full Service, MBB and other strategy firms?Surely if one is making £80K in a Full Service firm, they will be a Senior/Managing consultant at Full Service and a Junior Engagement manager at MBB. It is very unlikely people with this experience can secure a £800 per day contract rate. Such rates is normally, from what I have seen, for interim senior executives (e.g. department head).I suspect most Junior Engagement Managers or Managing Consultant will be lucky if they can get £600 per day.