Good morning everyone. There's just one week to go until "Careers Week" takes place, giving you the chance to interact with consulting employers who collectively are looking to make a significant number of hires in the coming months. Full details and sign-up here:[url][/url]We've had a few recurring questions through from readers attending these sessions and I thought it would be helpful for me to post the responses here as an FAQ for others who've been looking to attend.[b]I may not be able to attend live owing to work commitments, can I still participate?[/b]That's absolutely fine. You'll register for whichever presentations you're interested in. You'll then receive a link that allows you to attend the webinar presentation live and put your questions directly to the employers; but a recording will also be sent out to all candidates who've registered for each presentation, so if you find you can't attend live you can still access all the materials the employers have presented during Careers Week.[b]Do I need any special PC equipment to join the webinar presentations?[/b]You just need a computer connected to a moderately fast internet connection (home broadband or a mobile dongle connection will be fine). You'll then watch the presentation on the screen of your PC and either listen to the presenters via your computer or call in to a conference call phone number to hear the audio. Questions you'll put to the employers via an instant messaging chat facility, so you don't need to have a microphone installed on your computer.[b]Will I be able to access the presentations after Careers Week if I don't sign-up in advance?[/b]No. Presentation recordings will be sent to everyone who has registered for the presentations in advance, but will not be available to the wider readership after the event. So if you are interested in seeing firms' presentations then do be sure to register this week.Hope this helps and look forward to seeing many of you on the presentation webinars next week.Tony