DS,The one small thing you shouldn't do? NEVER share any names or contact details with contract recruitment agencies. If you do then the agent will stop working to try and find you a position and will instead start cold-calling your ex-contacts to try and sell them OTHER contractors. They will offer them people with similar skills to you, but cheaper. They will use the project descriptions you gave them to "guess" what skills the client might value. They may even say to your contacts that YOU told them to call. They will NOT offer YOU to your ex-contacts because agents get no commission from introducing people to people they already know. In extreme cases agents will even LIE to you that they have opportunities elsewhere for you, just to stop you re-contacting your own ex-clients, so they have time to sell them alternative cheaper people. At a minimum your contacts will begin to get pi$$ed off. At worst they may hire cheaper alternatives to you.Your network is valuable. Always say to an agent, "I am very happy to help agents with introductions to my network, but I only work with the agents that have FIRST PLACED ME in a role. In the current climate CANDIDATES have limited value, HIRING CONTACTS are massively valuable - it's supply and demandLook at the contractors forum on www contractorsuk.com - its very tech contractor focused but has an excellent and very long "sticky" on "just two references" - one of the oldest scams in the books of nefarious recruitment agencies....Good luck and dont look back...Mr Cool