Be quietly confident, network efficiently but without showing off, use your deeper subject matter knowledge. Identify the partner who owns your ex-bank as an account and offer to help behind the scenes on any upcoming pitches. You should not betray confidential info, but you can help tweak language so that pitches include principles and terms that resonate within the bank. Do NOT offer this to peers! You have few chances to get brownie points from this. Make sure you get them from someone that matters!I worked with a good bank PM, in his late 20's who went into Deloittes a few years back at Manager level and he made SM in two years. Two reasons - he's good, and also he was moved straight into a banking project where he could step up and over deliver from day 1.Honestly, many of the home grown guys will be much more (secretly) intimidated by your industry knowledge than you will be by their knowledge of internal processes. You catch up in six months. They won't.