Zak, on the contrary, consulting CAN be a fantastic career. As a 25 year old-singleton I found myself staying in 4 star hotels all over Europe, sitting in on board meetings, bag-carrying for top-of-the-class Harvard MBA geniuses, etc etc. All fantastic ways of learning.It also didn't hurt that to this day I'm still about the best damn salary negotiator I've ever met, so I was creaming a six figure salary before I was thirty and that was fifteen years ago.However there are three major "clever exit" points from consultancy (2-3 years in, just after Manager/Senior Manager promotion, or just before the partner death march). typically when you take one of those, you can keep most of your earning level but massively improve your work/life balance. Having left, few go back. I woulds still recommend it, but it is not by a million miles the only way to make it in life and it is NOT (in my humble opinion) worth swimming against the tide when you can just as easily cycle downhill.Have a good weekend...