I All,Just a quick question to see how you would personally handle the following situation:You have promised to deliver to the client by a certain date. However, you needed input from one of the person's on client-side to make this possible.The particular person you need to speak to arranges a time to meet and then delays the meeting. Once you meet with them they tell you they only have a short amount of time and you do not complete what you must deliver to the other person on client side. They also have not been told about the urgency of the deliveryThis means you can't fulfil your promise? This causes the latter person to be put in an awkward position in a meeting. This is brought up in a conversation between you and the latter. What is the best thing to see in this situation. The last thing is to blame the client, but should I apologise in this situation, take the hit and work it out? What's your views?Thanks