Ah, you see this is what happens when a management consultant true to give advice. Twenty times the words, generic comments, all topped off by a disclaimer that they don't really know.I on the other hand know Baringa very well, having worked with them on numerous projects and having socialised with a few of their partners.My advice stands....as will be borne out by other threads.Baringa have a heavy ex-acn cohort. They like all the positives of acn, but feel the firm is too large and impersonal. Show them that you have the training, rigour, attention to detail and structured approach of an acn-type and you will be off to a good start. Then show them that you are capable if working unsupervised, can have fun at work, are collegiate rather than over-competitive and are looking for a firm where you will spend more time consulting and less time on internal crap, and you'll seal the deal. Main practices are FS and utilities. Of course if you reall want to wow them, get your point across as succinctly as I originally did.