I would like to help, but the post is bit a confusing, why would you be asked to present yourself in 15 minutes in a case interview, sounds to me like you would be presenting the case.Lately most consulting firms I am aware of stopped asking the talk about yourself question as that everyone expects them, and people could simply waffle about themselves without covering points that are of interest to the interviewer. There plenty of material online on how to prepare for your case interview, and preparing for the case interview differs depending on the practice you are applying for. To name a few websites: Ace your case and the vault.com.I cannot stress enough no matter what you case study is the objective is show methodology and logical thinking, explaining your approach and reason behind you choices or decision. Shouting out an answer will get you nowhere. As for the presentation part once again they assessing how confident you are explaining an idea to other people and the structure of the presentation, i cant stress enough on the structure, think of it as a story and must have a chronological order. To be more specific I would have the following slide:- An executive summary or agenda which summarizes the presentation. - Summarize the case study and client activity.- Highlight the limitations and challenges faced.- One or two slides addressing the limitations mentioned earlier.- Define the next steps, and it must include working closer with the client.Ask for questions. try to make it as interactive as possible. Ask your interviewer to stop if anything is unclear. This shows you are encouraging people to contribute and ask questions.Last but not least be yourself, and be confident do not try squeeze in humor or jokes that are irrelevant, try to gauge your audience.To save time when before writing the flip chart, write down the points first on a paper for each slide and finally copy them onto the flip chart.