I have a current Senior in a top public university who's interviewing for consulting jobs including BCG. He went to final round and got rejected. He assumes that it's due to "target school" reasons, as the offers went to Yale, Harvard students rather than a public university. Now, he wants to reapply next year and is wondering if it would make sense to take spring semester off and graduate next fall semester so that he can stay on campus for 2012 fall recruiting and interview with BCG again.Do you think this makes sense? I've never seen kids who delay graduation so that they can interview again w same company but he wants to do it. He's afraid that if she accepts another fulltime offer, he cannot easily back out and go for that BCG interview on campus in 2012.While taking school off for spring, he wants to take internships, add professional experience, practice more cases, etc. And would taking a semester off look badly to consulting recruiters? Does it look too desperate? ("I took semester off so I can interview with you again this year" kind of deal?) I would really appreciate any feedback.