The 2011/12 salary benchmarking report for the consulting industry has just been published. A free download, it contains comprehensive salary data for Junior Consultants, Senior Consultants, Project Managers, Principals, Junior Partners / Directors and Senior Partners.You can download your copy from:[url][/url]Within the report you'll find separate data for Strategy Consulting, Business Transformation / Change Management Consulting, Project/Programme Management, Business Process Improvement and Technology Consulting.There's also aggregate data for the UK, US, European and Australian markets.Hope you find this a fascinating (and not too depressing!) read. Overall the big message seems to be that the market is now polarised between the haves and the have nots. The haves are enjoying pay rises, promotions and bonuses on a par with the peak 2007 period; whilst the have nots have far less to be cheery about.Our thanks to everyone who participated in the survey.Tony