Whoopeedoo, one of the four main accountancy companies works with some household names... hold the front page!!!What he probably failed to mention, however, is that this means that the staff working for such clients are "small cogs in a big machine" and probably have small, defined, arguably meanial roles in the scheme of things. Like going over the minutia of their ledgers and doing glorified stock takes. Somebody working for a smaller company will have more opportunity to actually deal with real "strategic issues", in my opinion.I would recommend speaking to people in their HR department. See how much "time of day" they give you. You can tell a lot about a company by speaking to its HR staff, in situations where they can be sure you do not and will not ever have any leverage over them. Do they have an attitude? Are they self-important and pompous? Do they think they "run" the company? Or are they nice, approachable, down to earth people? You decide.But one thing I would suggest, however, is that big is not always better. In the case of companies with multiple owners, it is usually worse I would say.