[quote]Great story. Kudos. You sure showed them! The fools! So they wanted you to explain something in an interview and you assumed they wouldn't understand so didn't bother. Excellent. Plus one of them dared to be a woman, the nerve! You worked hard for that PhD damn it, so why should anyone with just a scummy bachelors get the privileged of hearing you speak. The scum. And yeah, some companies are just dumb, there they are being a company, with an effing HR department, doing what ever it is they do, and daring to even think of engaging with someone of your intellect. How ruddy dare they. It makes me sooo angry for you! GGRRRRRrrrrr![/quote]in my opinion for certain positions, if the first interview is with HR department then you only need to be lucky to pass it, unless a higher manager has recommended you already.