Evening all - and thanks to everyone who's been chipping in and making the forum a more vibrant place of late, really appreciated (the suggestion of a Xmas party has been noted, we're a bit late to organise that this year but I'd love to have a get together at some point in 2013, we'll put our minds to this!...)Anyway, it's that time of year again where we ask consultants (and those trying to get into consulting) how they've been going about their job search, who they've been impressed by, etc. At the same time we ask all our recruiter contacts in consulting how the hiring market is looking and what hiring they're planning on doing in 2013. Those candidates and recruiters who take part in the survey get first sight of the resulting report.So when you get a moment please do head over to:[url]http://events.top-consultant.com/UK/careerconference.aspx?ID=453[/url]Feel free to also hijack this thread with ever more outrageous suggestions of what the Top-Consultant party should involve. Feel free to go to town with your exorbitancy! And of course be detailed and descriptive...Tony