Bear in mind that any analysis you do should also account for students that are sponsored by their company to do the MBA and then return to them - this population will be a significant % of those that are 'accepted' from INSEAD.For Oxford and Cambridge I would also look into this closely - of those that are accepted from these schools, how many are 'new' versus 'returning' employees.In short, I think that the Oxbridge schools are up and coming, but INSEAD and LBS remain in a different league when it comes to top-tier recruiting.Just my two cents of course - do your own research.Am sure someone will be along in a while to say that the students at Oxbridge are just as good as those at LBS/INSEAD when it comes to experience/candidacy etc. I won't be around to reply to them, so will say now that they are probably correct in that, but missing the point when it comes to recruiting.